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95% of Cyber Security issues are due to human error*.

Cyber security is not only a technology problem, but also a people problem.  

Your staff are the largest attack surface of your organisation, but they are also the greatest defence against cyber threats; so they should be at the centre of your cyber security strategy. 

User awareness training serves to educate individuals about the potential risks associated with using technology, and the best practices for avoiding or reducing these risks.   

It covers a range of topics including the most common cyber threats such as social engineering (phishing attacks), data leakage and malware, as well as best practice techniques to stay safe, for example password security and the importance of MFA. 

By training your staff to be a human firewall, they are more likely to spot potentially malicious activity, follow best practice, and consider the security of their remote working environment. 

*Global Risks Report 2022 | World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum ( 

Cyber Security Culture

Cyber security awareness is good, but cyber secure behaviour is better. 

Cyber security needs to be woven into the fabric of your organisation; it’s the responsibility of everyone, with management leading by example. Go beyond awareness and empower your team to take responsibility. 

Tailored awareness training programs, open communication and learning from incidents will keep your staff engaged, as well as encourage them to report actual or suspected cyber security incidents. This not only aims to reduce the risk of a cyberattack, but creates a culture of awareness within your organisation. 

User Awareness Training

How we can help

We offer a variety of services to help you and your staff develop your cyber security culture; reducing the risk of human error, encourage reporting of unusual activity to improve your response to incidents and ultimately improve the overall security posture of your organisation. 

  • Security culture as a service – Using our expertise we will create a positive cyber security culture withing your organisation. Let us manage the creation and delivery of your team’s cyber security awareness with tailored campaigns, digital resources and assets, to maximise opportunities for learning. Engaging your staff and empowering them to help protect themselves and your organisation from cyber incidents. 

  • Delivery of bespoke user awareness training, in person or remotely, covering the current threat landscape generally and relevant to your industry, incorporating industry best practice in line with guidance from the National Cyber Security Centre, and tailored to your organisation’s policies and procedures. 

  • Phishing simulations and a customisable training platform allows us to deliver regular training, send reminders for refresher sessions, and provide reporting mechanisms. 

  • C-suite cyber security training, our two-hour board level session is delivered by our seasoned CISOs who will highlight the threats faced by your industry, along with their potential impact. They use their years of experience to provide guidance and insights into industry trends, but most importantly how best to protect your organisation with your team’s help. 

  • Table-top exercises can be facilitated both remotely and in person to raise awareness of both cyber security and business continuity, using rehearsals and/or our board game, Udder Disaster (find out more here)

  • Specialist training customised around specific topics including disaster recovery, incident response or data protection. 

User Awareness Training

Learning and thinking