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Five reasons to complete a backup health check. We know how important it is to safeguard your data against threats and ensure its resilience in the face of adversity. That's why we're pleased to offer FREE backup health checks, dedicated to fortifying your data backup protection, and recovery strategies.

Here are five reasons why prioritising data security is crucial for your organisation:

Fortify backup security

Our free service consists of a comprehensive assessment of your existing data security measures, identifying vulnerabilities and potential points of exploitation.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Regulatory frameworks governing backup protection are becoming increasingly stringent, with severe penalties for non-compliance. Our free health check evaluates your management practices against relevant regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA, ensuring adherence to legal requirements.

Enhance backup protection measures

Lost data and lost money from an attack can have devastating consequences for businesses, potentially leading to irreparable damage to brand reputation. Our health checks assess the robustness of your backup protection, including encryption, access controls, and disaster recovery plans.

Optimise backup recovery capabilities

Despite the best preventive measures, attacks can still occur. In such instances, swift and effective backup recovery is essential to minimise downtime and mitigate losses. By investigating your data recovery capabilities, we are able to  assess the efficiency of your backup processes, recovery time objectives (RTOs), and disaster recovery protocols.

Protect brand reputation and customer trust

In today's hyper-connected world, brand reputation and customer trust are invaluable assets. A data breach or loss not only results in financial repercussions but also erodes trust and confidence among stakeholders. By prioritising data security, protection, and recovery, you demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and protecting the interests of your customers. 

Get started today 

Don't wait until it's too late to protect your most valuable asset—your Data. Enquire about your free backup health check today and take proactive steps to improve your data protection, and recovery strategies. 

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