My role at Waterstons is...
My current role at Waterstons is leading our patching and maintenance team. This involves coordinating operating system & firmware updates across our client’s infrastructure, assigning resource to carry out these updates and onboarding new infrastructure to the service. This is a really rewarding role as I am constantly making a difference and improving our client’s security posture.
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Being involved in a divestment project for the world's largest manufacturer of ceiling tiles!
My life away from work is...
I'm an avid photographer and I love my car, which makes for some excellent automotive photography opportunities! I'm also a heavy PC gamer and after work most days you will find me in a call with mates playing a whole host of games from first-person shooters to driving games. I enjoy playing around with PC, network and server hardware in my spare time too, not just at work! Just need to work up the courage to post to r/homelab now!
I’ll be with you when...
Your infrastructure is in need of updates!
My sector strengths are...
- Housing