My role at Waterstons is...
My role within Waterstons is varied and exciting. I work with a number of service leads to improve the services and quality we provide to our customers, continuous development of our people and their skills and ensure we are adding value to our customers. I also have responsibility for Waterstons internal IT, quality, information security and health & safety.
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
When a client lost their business system and backups were from 5 days ago. With a lot of detailed planning, we were able to re-process all sales orders, stock allocations, pick lists, despatch notes and invoices using the same numbering sequence as the transactions processed and sent out to customers during the week, all in a weekend.
My life away from work is...
I'm too old to play football myself. So I get my enjoyment by taking and watching my son play football and cricket. It is much better than watching professional football.
I’ll be with you when...
The people you have contacted can't help, I will try and point you in the right direction of who can help, even if that's me.
My sector strengths are...
- Manufacturing
- Distribution & Transport