Alex Bookless
Technical Director

My role at Waterstons is...
Supporting our technical architects and specialists to keep on top of the latest and greatest technology trends and working out how those trends affect our clients. I’m still quite new to the role so we’re still working out what that means in practice!
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Too many to remember over the years. Most recently, how my team mobilised to switch most of our clients to home working at the start of the 2020 pandemic all whilst dealing with their own changes and challenges that came with the lockdown. Oh, this happened three weeks after our 24-hour monitoring and service desk went live too.
My life away from work is...
Mainly focused on my young family, getting out in the garden or doing a bit of DIY. In what little spare time I have left, I volunteer with a well-known voluntary aid society, most recently helping with the Covid-19 vaccination programme and ambulance support.
I’ll be with you when...
You want to explore your technology strategy and see what opportunities there are for you and when things aren't working and you need someone to help to get back up and running.