Alex Waterston
Associate Director - Innovation & Leadership

My role at Waterstons is...
I look after innovation at Waterstons. I spend my days connecting our clients with each other, with our partners and with our teams in interesting ways to solve difficult business problems. It’s a really exciting job that gives me opportunities to explore the incredible things that our clients do, as well as getting to understand their biggest challenges. I’m also lucky enough to be able to visit research institutes, robotics labs, sensor manufacturers and all sorts of fun places too!
My life away from work is...
At the weekends I love spending time with my kids and helping to support my wife who is a champion Connect4 player. She spends a lot of time at tournaments so we go along to support her. It's meant we've seen some weird and wonderful parts of the UK and spent a lot of time at the NEC.
I’ll be with you when...
You have a seemingly insurmountable hurdle to overcome. I'll help you to pull together a cross functional team of technologists, researchers, sector experts and businesses that will be able to help.