My role at Waterstons is...
As a rule, I generally manage stuff. I lead Waterstons teams to deliver solutions for clients, client teams to deliver whatever they need help with and internal initiatives to improve the quality and constancy of project delivery across all areas of our organisation.
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Working with a client to carve out a new business in 18 months, including the migration of 30+ applications and 300 users in 5 countries.
My life away from work is...
In my years before joining Waterstons I was lucky enough to work around the UK and aboard. I still love to travel, pandemics permitting, either on my own or visiting old friends and colleagues. I try to keep bees and sit on the local bee keepers committee. I dabble at photography, sewing, singing and anything else that takes my fancy.
I’ll be with you when...
You need someone to herd cats and deliver something a bit complicated that maybe you've not done before.