My role at Waterstons is...
Working on the Service Desk as a Technology Consultant, acting as a first point of contact for any clients that ring up the Service Desk. Our job is to either resolve customers issues immediately, or passing them to the correct team for the job.
My life away from work is...
I love reading, mostly Sci-Fi and Fantasy but I’ll read pretty much anything, I also like Gaming, mostly as a way of keeping in touch with my foreign friends. I also love travelling, I’ve been all over Europe, parts of Asia, and parts of the US. Recently, most of my time has been spent trying (and failing!) to learn German.
I’ll be with you when...
You either call up the Service Desk, or raise a ticket. As I’m part of the first contact swarm I’m the first point of contact for users. We’re either answering your call or dealing with any of your tickets that can be resolved quickly as soon as they come to the desk