My role at Waterstons is...
To be curious, be a connector, ask lots of questions and build the bridge between our clients’ needs and wants, and the incredible knowledge, skills and enthusiasm within the Waterstons team. My role focuses on identifying challenges within Private Equity and Manufacturing, and identify where our team can add greatest value and be a trusted advisor for our clients. Having worked in Design and Manufacturing all my career it’s a privilege to work with such a variety of amazing, ambitious businesses every day.
My life away from work is...
About having fun and making memories with my wife and three kids, as well as trying to keep myself in decent shape through a mix of CrossFit and eating a little less pizza.
I’ll be with you when...
You need to figure out the right questions to ask to get the best answers, when you need to find the right people with the key knowledge, or when you just want to talk about that new idea/tech/business model/productivity tool you’ve just found and are excited to share.
My sector strengths are...
- Private Equity and Venture Capital
- Manufacturing
- Design & New Product Development