My role at Waterstons is...
Looking at how software projects are delivered; both internally across the Data & Digital Division and for our clients. I’m lucky enough to have worked on a massive range of projects with a large range of clients so that I have had sight of a lot of different techniques that we can use to tailor delivery to best suit our clients.
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Every week. I'm proud of the team that we have. I love the passion, the skills and the comradery every time I'm with them. Its truly infectious and the reason I work here.
My life away from work is...
Spent as a qualified dancing instructor. In my spare time I enjoy teaching street, tap, stage, ballet and cheerleading. I also do dress making and millinery which I find massively rewarding.
I’ll be with you when...
There is a problem that you need solving. Whether that is a project that you need delivering, some help you need with how to manage your software delivery processes or if you want someone to really listen to you.