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Harvey Sharp

Senior Technology Consultant

Harvey Headshot

My role at Waterstons is...

Is challenging, but I'd be very bored if it wasn't! My role usually manifests itself in ways of making the lives of my clients easier, and I'm able to do this by intrinsically understanding how both the client business and Waterstons operates. This means listening to what our clients' business needs are and translating them into workable technology solutions, seeing them through from conception to delivery.

My proudest Waterstons moment is...

In a particularly high-profile client, I was there from the start to the finish of a huge change to their infrastructure, moving IT from on-premise to the cloud. From helping visualise and conceptualise, proof of concept, tendering the project, user acceptance testing, implementation, right through to the decommission of equipment on-site. A great experience where I learnt a lot about the client, Waterstons and myself!

My life away from work is...

Work is fun for me, but it would mean far less if I didn't have my wife and daughter to come home to. When we aren't as a family unit, I personally enjoy either being in scuba gear under the ocean, or going very fast around a race track…diving and driving! I'm not an adrenaline junky all the time though. I'm just as happy watching a film or playing games.

I’ll be with you when...

…you need a solution to a problem. It doesn't even need to be a technical one. The best way of solving problems is just by sharing them with someone who listens, so that is where I come in. Sometimes just talking it through with someone else enables seeing things from a different, fresher perspective. If I can carry those ideas forward too, to deliver a solution, then that is just my job. I want to be that person someone can trust to talk to about anything.

My sector strengths are...

  • Architecture, Engineering & Construction
  • Financial Services
  • Housing
  • Media