My role at Waterstons is...
To lead incredibly talented teams of software developers, consultants and delivery managers that deliver value through the use of software. These solutions could be anything from web applications to mobile apps or integration applications between existing systems. I make sure that everyone is in the best possible place to grow, innovate, collaborate and ultimately make empowered decisions.
My life away from work is...
Determined by my kids! When I’m not knee-deep in soft play or travelling to some play date in the middle of the country, I’m pretty good at filling my time. I love coaching and mentoring, whether it’s specifically for people in the digital sector, interacting with STEM institutions, or working with students and young adults looking to progress their career. I love running, cooking, and listening to audiobooks about personal discovery and leadership.
I’ll be with you when...
You want help being the best possible version of your professional self. Having an awesome technical team that are very capable of making technical decisions means I can focus on the people side and being a catalyst for the great services that we provide. My purpose is to empower myself to empower others through my knowledge of the digital sector, so if I can fulfil that purpose in any way with you, you will get a lot of my time and energy!
My sector strengths are...
- Petrochemical, Oil & Gas
- Medical & Life Sciences
- R&D