My role at Waterstons is...
Head of Service Delivery... I support the service delivery team to ensure we provide an excellent service to our clients focusing on two core areas – service management and technical delivery and to encourage and support development throughout the team.
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Winning clients, seeing how the team has grown and developed through the years.
My life away from work is...
Living life to the full. I'm always busy and currently working on my new house. I love the outdoors so it's nice to have the Northumberland countryside on my doorstep to get out for a run or cycle, mainly to feel the fresh air. I also enjoy social gatherings with my friends and other half (who might be playing live too).
I’ll be with you when...
You need help with anything, especially all things Managed Services but if you want a chat on something else just call. There is a friend around every corner.
My sector strengths are...
- Architecture, Engineering & Construction
- Distribution & Transport
- Education
- Housing
- Manufacturing
- Marine Services
- Professional Services
- Energy
- Financial Services
- Local Government