My role at Waterstons is...
To support our clients to build cyber resilience. This can include acting as their security manager, performing audits and gap analyses to identify both areas they are doing well and areas where they could improve or training their staff to be aware of cyber threats. Ultimately I am here to support and enable our clients to protect their key information and infrastructure assets from the bad guys.
My life away from work is...
I have spent a number of years finishing all the DIY in my house, and now I have been filling that void with 3D printing which still amazes me every time it pops a widget out. I am also trying that exercise thing... since realising I can no longer eat bread and cake with wanton abandon.
I’ll be with you when...
You want to some information security advice relevant to the needs of your business. This could be assessing the level of your security readiness, developing and implementing a cyber risk methodology or supporting to obtain certifications such as ISO 27001.