My role at Waterstons is...
Assisting clients with identifying, developing and implementing risk-managed Information Security strategies in line with the ever-changing threat landscape. The designing of a pragmatic security solution is core to maintaining an effective approach for the protection of your key assets.
My life away from work is...
Having spent so much time away from my family in former careers I value the time I have with them now. We enjoy our time together walking our dog though our local countryside and as a rugby mad family we can often be found stood on the terrace of our local rugby club. I also enjoy the odd round of golf but as a former rugby player I’ve had to learn that its not all about smashing the ball as hard as you can to get it to go where you want.
I’ll be with you when...
You have a requirement to explore your Information Security requirements as part of a maturity assessment, contractual requirement or implementation of a defined framework in line with best practice. The development of a risk-based strategy will help you plan a roadmap to protect your assets, your business and your reputation by getting the correct foundations in place and then building your framework as you grow.
My sector strengths are...
- Government Sector
- Construction
- Facilities Management
- Legal
- Financial Services.