My role at Waterstons is...
To help you make sure your data is there when you need it, hasn’t been corrupted and doesn’t get accessed by anyone without your permission. If you want to become accredited to standards like ISO 27001 then I can help you do that and I can help you comply with all the requirements of GDPR. I can help you plan for how you would cope in the event of a cyber attack and I can help you get your business back up and running swiftly if one happens. And if there’s anything I can’t do then I’m fortunate to be supported by colleagues who can.
My life away from work is...
Mainly taken up by running, cycling and paddle boarding but also savouring the rich micro-experiences of life such as listening to the rush of water on shingle and sitting very still while a cat falls asleep on my lap.
I’ll be with you when...
You’re formulating a plan for how you’ll protect the data underpinning your strategic objectives; when you’re running your information security management system on a day-to-day basis; and when you just want things to work better.
My sector strengths are...
Central government, education, transport, third sector, market research and social research.