Waterstons Sustainability Session - Sustainability & Mental Health
Most people haven’t considered the link between sustainability and mental health. This workshop aims to highlight this link and consider its implications for business.
Online Event
Mon 13 Mar 2023, 1pm - 2pm
Clare Blunt and Claire Thew of Venture Zero have been working with businesses across the UK to educate and inspire people to take care of their teams and the planet. With a wealth of knowledge from a career of working in the mental health sector, Clare Blunt now supports businesses to embed a culture of wellbeing and support for their people. Claire Thew spent many years working in the environmental sector and by utilising her knowledge and experience she is committed to raising awareness of the climate crisis and driving businesses forward on their journey to net zero. Both women share a passion for people and community, and focus on encouraging them to become more consciously connected, taking action to make a positive difference.
If you’d like a better understanding of the synergy which exists between sustainability and mental health, and the opportunity to explore why and how your business should take a joined-up approach to these issues, then this workshop is for you. Presenters will share information around the current situation, the opportunity to consider what your business is already doing in these key areas, and time to identify barriers and benefits to addressing the issues together.