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May 2023

Leading Digital Transformation

Our Head of Software Operations and Automation has been recognised in a national digital leadership list.

Categories Software Operations & Support, Software Delivery & Consultancy

Adam Lisik, who joined the company as a summer placement from university in 2013, has been named in the DL100, a list of teams and individuals across the UK who are working hard to secure the nation’s digital transformation.

His innovation around automation has built an entire service offering for us and, ten years after joining, Adam now leads the consulting team delivering software support and maintenance, and optimising processes through automation to clients of various sizes including worldwide architecture and engineering practices.

Adam said: “I’m blown away to be nominated, never mind make the list and be shortlisted for Young Digital Leader of the Year.

“I have always been passionate about technology and supporting businesses, so this nomination amongst so many incredible organisations and individuals is truly humbling.”

The automation service works with organisations to understand where operational efficiencies can be made to ensure teams are focusing their time and energy on areas of growth. For example, since September 2022 Adam’s team has automated over 3,000 tickets saving over 1,350 staff hours that are better spent elsewhere.

Head of Digital Delivery Management, Clair Hillier said: “Adam’s drive is inspiring; he approaches everything with an abundance of enthusiasm and tenacity. His breadth of knowledge technically is complemented by his sector experience and ability to immerse himself in the clients’ perspective.

“But not only is Adam technically brilliant, he also volunteers his precious time for St John Ambulance as emergency ambulance crew which is hugely admirable.”

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