Mar 2023
Lots of socks!
On March 21st, our team supporting World Down Syndrome Day and wearing their most distinctive socks to raise awareness of, and learn more about, the condition.

This date is chosen because people with Down Syndrome typically have three copies of the 21 chromosome rather than two – so 21/3 is fitting.
One of the markers of the day is wearing silly socks; mismatched, lairy, themed – anything! For many of the team, this doesn’t require a change in behaviour, many rarely match their socks, but on this day they have chosen special mismatched socks.
But why does one day matter? It’s an opportunity to advocate for change, invite people to reflect and expand knowledge.
All around the world, people with Down syndrome are treated less favourably than typical people. For example, in some places, they’re denied:
- quality education
- good health care
- the chance to work and earn their own money
- to make decisions about their own lives.
We’re supporting this day for our colleague Paul whose beautiful daughter Charlotte was born with Down Syndrome in 2020.
“People living with and alongside Down Syndrome are one of my tribes, and for them I will go beyond the end of this world with a smile on my face.”
If you’d like to know more, check out these resources:
What is Down syndrome? - World Down Syndrome Day
About WDSD - World Down Syndrome Day;