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Written byJohn Airey
Future of Work

Empathy in the Workplace: The role of Empathetic Leadership

The way we work at Waterstons has always been about building relationships and putting ‘people first’. It’s key to how we do business and how we provide the best possible service to our clients.…

Beverley Robinson
Written byBeverley Robinson
Data Protection and GDPR

Taming the (GDPR) Monster under the bed

The term ‘GDPR’ has become like that annoying hit record that stayed at number 1 for 13 weeks! We’re all fed up of the constant inbox filling emails about GDPR seminars and meetings to the point…

Stewart Hogg
Written byStewart Hogg
Business Consulting, Business Resilience, Cyber Resilience

Business Resilience to survive and prosper

What if we changed the way we thought about threats and saw them as opportunities?

Stewart Hogg
Written byStewart Hogg
Cyber Resilience, Cyber Security Strategy

5 top tips to cyber secure your business

In this video, Stew Hogg, our Head of Cyber Resilience, talks through 5 things you can do to secure your business.

Cyber Resilience

How good enumeration and a little Open Source Intelligence can lead to a deep compromise


Written byRob Colclough
Future of Work

Three Challenges of Hybrid Working

Originally published in the London Business Matters magazine (LCCI). Read our recent column on the hybrid working...

Written byRob Colclough
Future of Work

Future of Work - The Intentional Workplace

The questions we are asking ourselves about organisational culture in the Future of Work as companies increasingly become a blended environment with staff at home and in the office.

Cyber Resilience, Managed Security, Security Solutions

Static vs Dynamic capability

Producing predictable outcomes from unpredictable circumstances