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Nigel Robson
Written byNigel Robson
Technology Consulting, Infrastructure, Business Resilience

Air Gap

Putting space between you and the cyber criminals.

The recent statistics from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) on cybercrime make for grim reading but there are steps that you can…

Vincent Sharp
Written byVincent Sharp
Technology Consulting, Business Resilience

MOT Your IT Services

An audit can help de-mystify IT to business stakeholders and ensure that it continues to add value to your organisation and minimise business risk. Vince Sharp describes our approach to an…

Dan Burrows
Mergers & Acquisitions

Deal done - what now for technology and systems?

In this article published by Insider, our Mergers and Acquisitions team take a look at what happens after deal completion. New owners naturally want to consolidate everything into a single system…

Dan Burrows
Mergers & Acquisitions

Ask the Expert: Business Resilience Drives Deal Value

In an 'Ask The Expert' piece for Business Insider, we discussed how focusing on technology not only reduces risk, but identifies opportunities and generates real deal value.

Stewart Hogg
Written byStewart Hogg
Cyber Resilience, Cyber Security Strategy

Developing a Cyber Security Strategy - Where Do I Start?

We all know cyber security isn’t a topic we can ignore. But how many of us are really prepared to face this evolving threat?

Stewart Hogg
Written byStewart Hogg
Cyber Resilience

Press Release | Government backing for Consultancy Cyber Team

We're delighted to have been appointed to the NCSC Certified Cyber Security Consultancy scheme. Read our official press release here.

Helen Headshot
Written byHelen Fawcett
Business Consulting, Digital Mindset

The Digital Mindset – Harness the Digital Pragmatists in your Business

Originally published in the London Business Matters magazine (LCCI). Read our recent column on the digital mindset...

Helen Headshot
Written byHelen Fawcett
Bespoke Software, Business Consulting, Unified Communications, Technology Consulting, Business Resilience

Creating an information systems strategy

Creating an effective Information Systems Strategy to manage business information needs.