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Daniel Halliday
Written byDaniel Halliday
Data & Analytics

Digital Twin technology can change how we understand our customers and the experience we give them

Every time we purchase something online, a digital trail is created. Data captured from our browsing history, our buying habits and our social media posts form a digital version of our behaviour.…

Andrew B
Written byAndrew Blance
Data & Analytics

Why your Wordle word won’t work

Let’s look at using data to try to play the perfect game of Wordle!

Vincent Sharp
Written byVincent Sharp

Is on-premise Exchange Server dead?

Over the past couple of months I have supported too many organisations with rebuilding an Exchange Server environment that has been compromised due to an unpatched vulnerability. Which has left me…

picture of Max Muir
Cyber Security Strategy

What is social media phishing and how can it affect you and your business?

With over 1.3 billion users a day, social media is becoming a favourite target for many hackers. We are often made aware of scams through email, text, and phone calls but many people are less…

Cloud, Technology Consulting

We’re spending $300 BILLION on cloud in 2021, is that money well spent?

Originally published in the London Business Matters magazine (LCCI). Read our recent column on getting the most out of Cloud...

Helen Headshot
Written byHelen Fawcett
Cloud, Business Consulting

Destination: Cloud

Are you looking to pursue a datacentre zero option?

Cyber Resilience

All is fair in Love, War and Anti-Virus Evasion

Are Anti-Virus Solutions all you need to secure your business from threats?

Christopher Grosberg
Written byChristopher Grosberg
Unified Communications, Collaboration & Productivity

A practical guide on making the most of Microsoft Teams in your organisation (2)

Taming Your Teams, Part 2