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Cyber report spotlight: Ex-employee wipes 180 servers after being fired​ ​

An ex-employee in Singapore has been jailed for using their administrative access to wipe 180 servers, four months after leaving the company. ​

Cyber Report Spotlight: London Hospitals declare ‘critical incident’ following cyber attack

Following a cyberattack on a key supplier, several London hospitals declared a ‘critical incident’ as they lost the ability to carry out key patient services. ​

Billy Pickin
Written byBilly Pickin

Diving into the data pool: Navigating the upcoming O365 storage changes for higher education

The way that storage works across Microsoft O365 is changing significantly for all educational tenants from August 1st 2024 (upon contract renewal). Depending on your organisation’s usage,…

Cyber Security Strategy

​Cyber report spotlight: Sisense hit by cyberattack

This month's cyber report spotlight looks at business analytics SaaS provider, Sisense, which was hit by a cyberattack, prompting CISA to warn of subsequent attacks.​

Daniella Headshot
Business Consulting, Business Resilience

How do you score your business resilience?

Taking place this week, Business Continuity & Resilience Awareness Week (BCAW+R) provides a platform to educate…

Daniella Headshot
Business Consulting, Business Resilience

Resilience in the round; building a unified resilience strategy

In today's unpredictable business environment, the ability to maintain operations and adapt to crises is vital. By investing in robust business continuity planning, fostering a culture of…

Cyber Resilience

Cyber Report Spotlight: Microsoft internal files accidentally exposed to the internet

In this month's cyber report we delved into a recent cyber security risk at Microsoft where an improperly configured server left internal Microsoft data, including passwords, exposed online…

Simon Headshot
Written bySimon Holroyd
Cyber Resilience

Get Breach Ready - Minimise the impact of a successful cyber attack

The main topic of conversation around cybersecurity often focuses on preventing data breaches, but what we forget is the processes needed to minimise their impact. Even with staff training and…